What’s been designed here is a project that ensures a fossil fuel agenda, both in the literal and figurative sense.
Executive Office of the President of the United States
money. As a function of its leadership role, it is critical in interagency discussions on a wide range of technology issues. The office thus is an important part of the President’s efforts to modernize, strengthen, and set technology-adoption policy for the executive branch.
MIAO. Building on the example and work of the Trump Administration, President Biden established this office to centralize, carry out, and further develop the federal government’s Buy-American and other Made-in-America commitments. Its work ought to be continued and further strengthened.
Regulatory and Information Policy. OMB’s OIRA plays an enormous and vital role in reining in the regulatory state and ensuring that regulations achieve important benefits while imposing minimal burdens on Americans. The President should maintain Executive Order (EO) 12866,’ the foundation of OIRA’s review of regulatory actions. The Administration should likewise maintain the recent extension of those standards to regulatory actions of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.° Regulatory analysis and OIRA review should also be required of the historically “independent” agencies as the Office of Legal Counsel has found is legally permissible.°
If the current Administration proceeds with its declared intent to modify aspects of EO 12866 or review OMB Circular A-4,’ the related document that provides the foundation for cost-benefit analysis, the next President should immediately begin to undo those changes and develop a rigorous, data-driven approach that will result in the least burdensome rules possible. The next President should also revive the directive in Executive Order 13891* that significant guidance documents also must pass through OIRA review.
Because OIRA review often leads to fewer regulatory burdens, more regulatory benefits, and better coordination of regulatory policy, funding for OIRA tends to pay large dividends. Yet over the years, funding for OIRA has diminished. This trend should be reversed. The budget should also include sufficient full-time equivalent (FTE) employees to form regulatory advance teams that would consult with agencies on cost-benefit analysis and good regulatory practices at the beginning of the rulemaking process for the most important regulations. These teams would help agencies take cost-benefit analysis into account from the beginning of their rulemaking efforts, which in turn would result in higher-quality regulations anda swifter eventual OIRA review. To preserve the integrity of OIRA review, the staff who consult at the beginning of arulemaking should not handle its eventual review.
The next President should also reinstate the many executive orders signed by President Trump that were designed to make the regulatory process more just, efficient, and transparent. Executive Orders 13771,° 13777,” 13891," 13892,” 13893, 13924 Section 6," 13979, and 13980"° should be revived (with modifications as needed). Executive Order 13132” on federalism should be strengthened so that state regulatory and fiscal operations are not commandeered by the federal
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