When you think about who is going to be hit the hardest by pollution, whether it’s conventional air water and soil pollution or climate change, it is very often low-income communities and communities of color. The undercutting of these kinds of protections is going to have a disproportionate impact on these very same communities.
Department of Health and Human Services
6), https://tile.loc.g
he Secretary, “Noti ordable Care Act and Title IX of the Ed (May 25, 2021), pp. 27984-27985, https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR
or Civil Rights, “HHS 2, 2022, https://www.hhs.gov/sites/de ocr-notice-and-guidance-gender-affirming-care.pdf (accessed March 18, 2023). Heckler v. Chaney, 420 U.S. 821 ( arch 18, 2022).
or Civil Rights, “Guidance to Na Ensure Access to Comprehensive Reproductive tos://www.hhs.gov/civil-rights/fo thcare/pharmacies-guidance/index.html (accessed Ma
Human Services, “HIPAA Privacy Rule and Disclosures 0
arch 18, 2023).
ch 18,
Public Law
Information Rela
Your Personal Cel
last reviewed June 29, 2022, https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/fo
ion’s Reta
fication of Interpretation and ucation Amendments of 1972,”
otice and Guidance on Gender
ne-court/470/821.html (accessed
-individuals/ 2023).
0. 104-191, 104th , 1996, https://www.congress.gov/104/plaws/publ191/PLAW-104publ191.odf (accessed
ing to
arch 18, 2023). See also
Phone or
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., MD
he U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) admin isters a web of federal programs with mandates to support access to
homeownership and affordable rental housing, relieve temporary housing instability for homeless persons, preserve a stable inventory of public housing units, and enforce mandates with powers to settle compliance matters ranging from housing quality standards to housing discrimination cases.
Politicians across party lines use HUD to promise ever-greater public benefits. In addition, HUD programs tend to perpetuate the notion of bureaucratically provided housing as a basic life need and, whether intentionally or not, fail to acknowledge that these public benefits too often have led to intergenerational poverty traps, have implicitly penalized family formation in traditional two-parent marriages, and have discouraged work and income growth, thereby limiting upward mobility. A new conservative Administration will therefore need to:
• Reset HUD. This effort should specifically include a broad reversal of the Biden Administration’s persistent implementation of corrosive progressive ideologies across the department’s programs.
• Implement an action plan across both process and people. This plan should include both the immediate redelegation of authority to a cadre of political appointees and the urgent implementation of administrative regulatory actions with respect to HUD policy and program eligibility.
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