This is a common theme in Republican administrations dating back to presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. What you do is you break the government, make it very hard for the government to function, and then you loudly announce that the government can’t do anything.
Department of the Treasury
EJ Antoni, “Biden Keeps Making Clai Heritage Foundation Commentary, comme “Fide Are Ri pressrt accou See 2022,
ity 2022 Retirement Analysis:
. Departmen tps://home. arch 18, 2023). U.S. Department of homet Domestic Finance, U U.S. Constitution, ar bid., p. ES 1. ncluding direct and reimbursable emp Staffing (Direct and Reimbursable)” p.
24TH 32
S. Department of | sec. 9.
U.S. Department of the Treasury, “Bure arch 18, 2023).
U.S. Department of the Treasury, O (accessed March 19, 2023). William M (Mac) Thornberry Nation §§ 6001-6511.
February 8, 2023, n the Midst of Infl ng,” table, “Average Retirement Account Balan en -ba/s/095bb4a8-cf3a-484e-a911-bc0c61c460
fice of the Inspec
ES 4.
aus,” https://h
ms About the Economy That Just Aren’t True. These Facts Don’t Lie,” httos:// ntary/biden-keeps-making-claims-about-the-economy-just-arent-true-these.
ation and Uncertainty, Retirement Account Balances ces,” February 23, 2023, https://newsroom he-midst-of-inflation-and-uncertainty--retirement f (accessed March 22, 2023).
t of the Treasury, Fiscal Year 2022-2026 Strategic Plan and Budget Request for FY 2023, BINED-CJ-Web-Version-FY-2023.pdf (accessed
he Treasury, Agency Financial Report: Fiscal Year 2015, November 16, 2015, p.4 https://
FR-FY15-508.pdf (accessed March 19, 2023). he Treasury
or General, “Overview,”
al Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, Public Law 116-283,
oyees. See ibid., “Fiscal Year Comparison of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)
U.S. Department of the Treasury, “Offices,” httos:// (accessed March 18, 2023). (accessed
See, for example, Timothy Vermeer, “The Impact of Individual Income Tax Changes on Economic Growth,” Tax
Foundation ndividual-In and José Luis Economics, Vol The current tax ensuring that th user cost of cap properly, or tha
Fiscal Fact No. 793, Jun
ontiel Olea, “Marginal 1
• private rate of ret ital, that all factor in the tax is a consump W. Jorgenson, “Tax Po
E. Hall and Da 3 (June, 1967), 9, 2023). See Recent Literature,” in John W. and Implications (Cambridge, University of Ca (accessed March Scott A. https://fi Fichtner n forma See John ate Dou
ifornia, Berkeley, Sep 19, 2023). Hodge, “The Complian
ce Cos
on price
• 2022, h come-Tax-Changes-on-Economi . 133, No. 4 (November 2018), system is not neutral toward
ax Ra
equals the soci
bas d Investmen
icy an
p. 391-414, so Kevin A. Hassett and Kath
ryn Newmar’
A: MIT Press, 2008), and Alan J. Aue
al rate of retur' comes are taxed once ion tax. For the
his neutra
and equal ic user COS Behavior,’
, “Taxation and Business Behavior: A Review of t Diamond and George R. Zodrow, eds.,
tps:// (accessed March 18, 2023), and Karel Mertens es and Income: New Time Series Evidence,” Quarterly Journal of pp. 1803-1884. investment. T
ity criterion is sometimes expressed as n, that the tax system does not raise th y, that the tax system defines income
* American Economic Review, Vol. 57, cy-AER-June-1967.pdf (accessed March
ember 2005,
s of IRS Regulations,” Tax Founda (accessed March 19, 2023), and Jason J. and Jacob M. Feldman, “The Hidden Costs of Tax Compliance,” mPabstract_id=2267971 (accessed March 19, 2023). terms, tax policy should seek to minimize the excess burden or deadweight Creedy, “The Excess Burden of Taxation and Why it (Approxim R bles,” New Zealand Treasury Working Paper No. 03/29, Decem bitstream/10419/205534/1/twp2003-29.pdf (accessed March 19, 2023). See also, for example, N. Gregory ankiw, Principles of Economics, 4th ed. (South-Western College Pub, 2006), ch. 8, 0 heory, microeconomics, or principles of economics.
bach, “Taxation and Capital Spending,”
ion Fiscal Fact No. 512, June 2016, ercatus Cen oss of the tax system.
ples When the Tax ber 2003, httos://
ately) Quadru
many other textbooks
of capital analysis with taxes, see Rober 0.
he Fundamental Tax Reform: Issues, Choices,
er, May 20, 2013, https://
24. 25. 26. 27.
“The Choice Be
For a detailed discussion, see David R. Burton, “Tax Reform: Eliminating the Double Taxation of Corporate Income,” Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No. 3216, May 18, 2017,
One hundred dollars in corporate income less an 18 percent tax leaves $82. A 15 percent capital gains tax or
course, abstracts away from certain timing issues.
Inflation Reduction Act, Public Law 117-169. Ibid. Tax Cuts
before in
and Jobs Act, Pub lation adjustmen ew: Estate and Gi small-businesses-self-emp The effective tax rate on intangible low-taxed income For miscellaneous itemized hat were suspended by the 2017 tax bill (oth This includes the local lodgi modifications to the deduc imitation on
ion for personal c
Employer-provided childcare HSAs are flexible and portab For additional revenue to fun benefit deductions.
Early versions of the 2017 tax cash flow tax, a form of consumption tax. A t and only once—results in hig
e, and they help d pro-growth ta
et al., “Optima 47-174, https://pubs.aeaweb. ween tos:// Charles E. Walker and Mark A. B arper and Row, Ballinger, 1987). oover Institu R. Burton, “Four Conserva Backgrounder No. 2978, December 7, 2022, h plans-equivalent-economic-resu
ow-income Americans from federal tax liabi Daniel J. Mitchell and Ch Defend It (Washington, Tax Competition Is a Bu
' DC: Cato wark Agains
arch 19, 2023). James M. Robers et al., “Organization Should Do,” Heritage Fou sites/default/files/2021-03/BG3593.pdf; Pres Foundation Commentary, February 4, 2022,
for Eco
oreign-derived intangible income deductions, see In
ng expense deduc
bill envisioned reformin
Growth axes/commentary/constitutional-checks-and-balances-tax-competition-bulwark-against-growth
ndation Backgrounder No. 3593, Ma on Brashers. “The OECD Crusade To Raise Taxes,” Heritage
ernal Reven er than those re ion and enterta asualty and thef
itemized deductions should be permanently eliminated.
Bonus depreciation provisions applied to specific industries sh expenses should also count toward the limitation on benefit deductions.
ain costs by s, lawmaker
con X CU
ax syste
her output and higher incomes. Usually, in his is called a consumption tax. On the economic superiority of consumptions taxes, see N. Taxation in Theory and Practice,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, org/doi/pdfplus/10.1257/jep.23.4.147 (accessed March ncome and Consumption Taxes: A Primer,” NBER Working Paper No. 12307, June es/working_papers/w12307/w12307.pdf (accessed oom eld, eds., he Consumption Tax: A Better Alternative?
ion, “Simplifying the Tax System: The History of the Flat Tax,” March ax-system-history-flat-tax (accessed March 20, 2023).
ive Tax Plans with Equivalent Economic Results,” Heritage ttos://| s. Consumption tax plans generally include carveouts that exempt very
nomic Co-opera
raise-taxes; David Burton, “How the OECD is Suppression of Political Dissidents,” J org/taxes/commentary/how-the-oecd-prom
uly 15, 2016, Heritage Fo
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