One of the things that you see when you read Project 2025 is not just the racist dog whistles, but some ideas that were exactly lifted from some of the most extreme white supremacists ever.
Federal Trade Commission
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nvestigate t
697-8 (las
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O: Limiting Soc Vol. 37, No. 10 (201 ast visited March 21, 2023).
vacy Protection Act 0
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1998, 15 U.S.C. § 6501. Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR) is th
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pp. 629-676; Melissa G. ial Media Decreases Lone 8), pp. 751-768, https://g
• Wel Hunt, liness
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How Wash
Frank H. Easterbrook, “The Limits of Antitrust,”
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nvestigat Texas Law Review, Vol. 63, No. 1 .cgi?article=2152&context=journ
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e€ also Jean M. Twenge, Jonathan Haidt, Jimmy Lozano, and Kevin M. Cummins,
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Adam Candeub, “Behavioral Economics, Internet Search, and Antitrust,” /SULP, Vol. 9, No. 407 (2013),
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881 —
Edwin J. Feulner
he idea of Mandate for Leadership was first conceived in the fall of 1979
at a Heritage Foundation board of trustees meeting when former Trea sury Secretary Bill Simon and former General Services Administration Administrator Jack Eckerd discussed the predicament they had faced when they first joined anew, more conservative presidential Administration: They received no practical plans on how to move their part of the federal bureaucracy to reflect amore conservative policy direction other than vague exhortations to promote free markets; smaller, more efficient government; and a stronger national defense. In their new positions, they were briefed either by holdover appointees from the former liberal Administration or by career civil servants who, inevitably, had a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.
The discussion became quite animated as these Heritage board members recalled transitioning to government positions from their former lives in the private sector—moving their families, finding new homes, and uprooting their children’s education while they assumed new responsibilities in a very different environment.
Frank Shakespeare, who had headed the United States Information Agency during the Cold War, noted that electoral politics is what gets a President and Vice President elected and sent to Washington, but then policy politics is what they had to focus on to do the right thing once they got the big job.
Former Navy Secretary and Ambassador Bill Middendorf added that there must be a better way to prepare for real change in a more conservative direction in the political environment in Washington. If a conservative candidate were to become
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